Albert REUSS
Albert Reuss was a Jewish artist who fled Austria for Britain on the eve of World War II. He eventually settled in Mousehole, where he rebuilt his reputation.
Paintings by Reuss make up the largest single collection in the keeping of the Newlyn Art Gallery and fill pages 82-88 in the Public Catalogue Foundation review of oil paintings in the collections of Cornwall & Isles of Scillies' institutions. Figurative and surreal, his paintings are of anonymous people, places and things which are recognisable but indeterminate in their meaning, despite exact titles, for example: Green and Yellow Hankies with Landscape, Green Room with Green Form. His colouration is modulated, earthy and smooth in its contact with the canvas.
works and access
Newlyn Permanent Collection: Woman Reading (1943); Green and Brown Windbreakers (c1955); Apples and White Sculpture (1958); Seated Boy on Yellow Carpet (1965); Two White Manikins (1968); (69 paintings illustrated in PCF)
1972 Artists of Cornwall Exhibition, University of Birmingham (Orion Gallery Touring)
2017: Albert Reuss, The Picture Room, Newlyn Art Gallery (23 Sept-7 Oct)
Albert Reuss in Mousehole : The Artist as Refugee by Susan Soyinka, pub. Sansom & Co, Bristol (2017)
Buckman Artists in Britain since 1945
Hardie (1995) 100 Years/Diary:p136; p156 (photo likeness)
Public Catalogue Foundation (PCF) Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly: Oil Paintings in Public Ownership
Tovey, David (2022) Lamorna - An Artistic, Social and Literary History - Volume II - Post-1920, Wilson Books