Edward Fuller MAITLAND

Edward Fuller MAITLAND
E Fuller Maitland
exh 1911-26

Fuller Maitland was born in Berkshire, and studied at Oxford University prior to studying art at Bushey. He was a signatory of the Glanville letter of 1898 regarding the planned over-development of St Ives, and in 1899 he and his wife decided against moving to the town permanently, instead making their home in Rye, Sussex. 

They did, however, remain members of the St Ives Golf Club until 1937, and visited the area with some regularity.  [His wife, Gertrude MAITLAND (exh 1909-30), was also a landscape painter, and both exhibited mainly with Walker's Gallery, London.]




Painter of landscapes



Walker's Gallery, London (64)


STIAC 1898


Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall (p336)

Johnson & Greutzner (1975) Dictionary of British Artists

Tovey (2009) St Ives: Artists and Community
