Elisabeth FOSTER

Elisabeth FOSTER

A portrait by this artist of the Cornish philanthropist John Passmore EDWARDS (1823-1911) is in the possession of the Passmore Edwards Institute at Hayle, Cornwall.  This Institute is one of the twenty benefactions that were funded by the subject in his home county. When serving on the Hayle Herritage Committee she provided designs for a set of commemorative mugs to aid with fund raising.


Painter of portraits, book writer and illustrator

works and access

Works incl: J Passmore Edwards (1823-1911);

Books: Faerie Ring; Katy Laura & the Fairy


Hayle Heritage Committee


Public Catalogue Foundation (2007) Oil Paintings in Public Ownership in Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly; http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/2003761.Elisabeth_Foster