Born in Keighley, West Yorkshire, Helen Entwisle (nee Green) was educated at Queen Mary's, Duncombe Park, Yorkshire and Wycombe Abbey. After five years of art college she worked as an art tutor on the Isle of Mull before her first marriage in 1972. She studied part-time at University whilst her children were growing-up, and now writes, paints and runs art classes in Yorkshire where she lives with her husband.
She is the author of Rock Pools & Sunshine, The Biography of Dorothea Sharp, An English Impressionist (2008). In carrying out the research for this book she has spent various spells in Cornwall, researching the beaches and stories of Dorothea SHARP's painting life.
Author, art teacher
works and access
Works include: Rock Pools & Sunshine, The Biography of Dorothea Sharp, An English Impressionist (2008)
RA Summer exhibitions
Mrs Paintwisle's Children's Creative Art Workshops
Buckman (2006) Dictionary of Artists in Britain since 1945
Biographical entry about the author appears in Rock Pools & Sunshine, The Biography of Dorothea Sharp (incl photo and illus of work)