Esther George was born in Salop, studying at Birmingham School of Art, Chelsea Art School and Herkomer's at Bushey.
Tovey provides a photograph of the artist working in open air (p56), and in the 1924 Show Day at St Ives she exhibited a portrait of a lady and a child playing with coloured balloon balls. She was married to the artist Ernest Borough JOHNSON.
Portrait, flower and landscape painter
works and access
Works Include: The Cider maker (1906); Rebecca et Isabella Ostrorskey (1925); Nona and her Dog (1929)
BA (41); BG (1); CHE (3); GOU (9); I (9); LI (12); NGB
Paris Salon (18) (Hon Mention 1925, Bronze Medal 1929)
RA from 1896 (27)
RMS (2)
SWA (1)
St Ives Times 21 Mar 1924
Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall (p315)
Johnson & Greutzner (1975) Dictionary of British Artists (under Johnson)
Tovey George Fagan Bradshaw (under Borough J, Photo 1923)
Tovey, David (2021) Polperro - Cornwall's Forgotten Art Centre - Volume One - Pre-1920, Wilson Books
Whybrow (1994) St Ives
Wood (1995) Victorian Painters
The Year's Art