Born in Bristol, Dalwood is described by his biographer in the ODNB: 'Widely known as Nibs, Dalwood was one of the most charismatic, talented, and innovative British sculptors of his generation.'
In an interview with the artist Yan Kel FEATHER, for the Western Morning News, the interviewer was told about the art scene of c1947 in St Ives: 'everyone was scraping a living, before reputations were made, when the critic David LEWIS was working as a short order cook in a cafe on the waterfront, sculptor Hubert Dalwood was making toast at Tregenna Castle and Terry FROST was waiting on tables in St. Christopher's.'
This tidbit is the only mention that we have as yet concerning Dalwood in Cornwall, though by entering the pioneering Bath Academy of Arts at Corsham Court, Wiltshire (where he studied between 1946-49) he would have come across many artists that were either from Cornwall or would in future make their homes in Cornwall's artist conclaves. It may well be that he came to Cornwall during college breaks to work at summer jobs.
C Stephens, 'Dalwood, Hubert Cyril (1924-1976), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, OUP 2004
WMN, 11 Apr 1997