James Edward DUGGINS

James Edward DUGGINS

Born at Leamington Spa, the son of a clock maker, Duggins arrived in St Ives 1904 to study under Julius OLSSON and Algernon Mayow TALMAGE. He combined painting with a photography business in the Midlands, and he exhibited from The Grove Studio, Leamington whilst painting intermittently at St Ives and Brixham throughout the 1930s.

He illustrated George Morley's Sweet Arden (1908) and Mary Dormer Harris's Unknown Warwickshire (1924).


Landscape, figure and miniature painter and book illustrator

works and access

Works include: Children fishing before a mill and farm buildings

Illustrations for Sweet Arden (Morley 1908) and Unknown Warwickshire (Dormer Harris 1924)


RBA (56)


RBA 1929


Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall (p323)

Johnson & Greutzner (1975) Dictionary of British Artists

Tovey (2003) Creating a Splash

Whybrow (1994) St Ives (1901-10 list pp 213-4)

Wormleighton (1998) Morning Tide