The artist couple of Jan GORDON and Cora GORDON did not live permanently in Cornwall (or seemingly anywhere due to their numerous travels) but lived here temporarily and painted Cornish scenes in about 1919-1921. Jan had been a fellow student with Annie FEARON at the London School of Art, and he and his wife later stayed with Bernard and Annie WALKE at St Hilary.
The couple originally met in Paris, he the son of an English parson abroad (Malay States) and she the Derbyshire-born daughter of a GP and workhouse manager, from whom she needed to escape. They married in 1909 and lived, off and on when not travelling, in the artists' district of Montparnasse until 1932. Together they wrote travel books, painted, performed (madrigals), acted, broadcast and lectured together across Europe and America. For more information about this remarkable cultural phenomenon, see their website listed below (and newly updated 2013).
works and access
misc further info
http://www.janandcoragordon.co.uk/ and correspondence with the website owner