Jonathan MEULI
Meuli began his full-time painting career in Cornwall in 1982, remaining here for six years. Now living in Glasgow, Scotland, where he has lived since 1996, a great many travels and achievements can be charted for this artist and art historian.
Born in Poole, Dorset, Jonathan attended Bryanston School, Cambridge (BA 1980), and the Ruskin School of Drawing, Oxford, and throughout his life has drawn and painted, both figurative and abstract subjects which can only loosely described as landscape-townscapes. The depth of his work in colouration and style; the intelligence of his perspectives, are felt immediately in his powerful palette. His work is rooted in history and the today, in the best sense, and tells stories of the development of the urban, industrial and the post-industrial over the rural idyll. Realism and the strength of image are the keynotes of his work.
His book, Shadow House: Interpretations of Northwest Coast Art (2000) is a study of Native American art, based on his academic work for a PhD from the University of East Anglia (1996). He continues exhibiting in solo and mixed shows, primarily in Scotland.
Painter, author, art historian
works and access
Works include: Publication of Shadow House: Interpretations of North West Coast Art (Routledge 2000)
Four illustrated lectures: 'The Religious Attitude in 20th Century Art.' incl 'The Mystics I', 'The Mystics II', 'Optimists versus Realists' and 'The Prophets' 1983
NAG (Group exhibition) Working Party (with Peter SMITH, John CLARK, & Michael CHALWIN) 1985, Recent Paintings (supported by South West Arts) (Solo) 1986
Hardie (1995) 100 Years in Newlyn: Diary of a Gallery