The Dudley Gallery in London has been in existence since 1864. Its first exhibition was held in the month of April, 1865. It was organized for the public display of water-color pictures by painters who were not members of the reaular water-color societies, and who in consequence were not permitted to send their works to those galleries. It had no regular membership; the pictures were selected or rejected by a committee of management, and the exhibitions were open to all artists whose merit or skill entitled their works to the consideration of the public. In 1883 this gallery passed under new management and became The Dudley Gallery Art Society with about a hundred and fifty members. The Duke of Argyll is President, and the name of John Ruskin appears in the list of the Council. A limited number of pictures are received from non-members. In 1884 the membership had increased to nearly two hundred. Besides the spring exhibitions of water-colors, there was an annual exhibition of cabinet pictures in oil, and one of works in black and white. (Compiled late 1800's)


Old Dudley Art Society, spring 1910
