The North British Academy of Arts (1908-1921+) was an art institution of Newcastle upon Tyne in northern England. The Academy, sometimes known as the North British Academy of Arts, Science, Literature, and Music, was located in the Claremount Buildings on the western side of Barras Bridge on the corner with Eldon Place in Newcastle-on-Tyne, which is now opposite the County Council Offices. It was founded in 1908, incorporated in 1913, and was still extant in 1921, but was defunct by 1925. William James Morgan (1850-1923) was the secretary throughout the life of the academy. At various times, Henry John Brinsley Manners (1852-1925), the 8th Duke of Rutland, was its president. Fellows of the academy were entitled to append F.N.B.A. to their names, and exhibitions of the works of members were held. Eight exhibitions were held by the Academy before the Great War.


North British Academy (from 1914)
