Greta is the daughter of Sven BERLIN and was born and grew up around St Ives in the 1940s and '50s in the artistic community in which her parents moved. At the start of her own career she exhibited in the Penwith and Salt House Galleries, but moving on with her family, then marriage and family life of her own, she lives in Dorset where she also teaches ceramics. Her websites follow her busy exhibition schedule elsewhere, and though known locally by most of the older artists, her work is not now exhibited in Cornwall.

In Cornwall, her sculptures have, some years ago, been shown and sold through the auspices of Tony Sanders' Gallery on Chapel Street, Penzance (now closing 2010), where the Hypatia Trust acquired its much-prized example of her strong and sensuous work, The Couple.


Sculptor, ceramicist

works and access

Many public and private collections (see Website).


WCAA files: Berlin family archive

Hypatia Trust inventory